Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wainiha River and Valley

Just thought I would share a little information
about the Wainiha River and valley we live in.
The Wainiha River flows alongside our home (cabana).
The headwaters of the river are at Mt. Wai'ale'ale, (5148ft),
the wettest spot on earth (tied with Cherrapunji, India).
The average rainfall is 460 inches a year.
It doesn't rain that much where we live!
But we do get rain here, and the heavens
do pour buckets sometimes! It always comes
as a welcome relief to the heat.
Click on the map to enlarge it...
the Wainiha River is the river to the left out
of Mt. Wai'ale'ale towards Haena.
We are told "Wainiha" means "angry waters"
and this river can become that during the
winter rains here on the island.
This picture is looking up the valley from
Wainiha Beach.
These last two pictures are where
the river meets the ocean .
There's a very powerful energy here as the
two bodies of water merge together.


Em said...

the winter should be interesting! cool info;-)

Unknown said...

I love the river story, I never think about Hawaii as having large rivers, only oceans. Is this the river you Kayaked down, if so I bet it was exciting. There is such a lot of awesome beauty everywhere in the islands. Things are just the same here, however, Jamie and Jeff invited me to the canyons for Lunch and i was like a kid out of school. I love the canyons.